How Somatic Experiencing Heals Addiction

The first time I met Diane, her body and mind moved so fast that she was barely able to sit still for a second. It was as if she were hovering six feet above her body. She would begin a new thought before completing the last two. The image that came to mind was...

Why I Don’t Care About Your Past

When I first met Candy, she could barely tolerate sitting in the same room as me. I entered her family’s living room for our first session, and she immediately turned her head to avoid my gaze. Her shoulders shook underneath her sweater. When I asked if she was...

What To Do When Talk Therapy Is Not Working?

Do any of these sound like you? You’ve tried talk therapy – maybe for several years. You understand the issues getting in the way of living a full life, but still can’t seem to fix them. You struggle with some form of addictive or compulsive behavior –...

What is Trauma?

When people ask me what I do professionally, I often say I help people resolve trauma. Most respond by telling me about a traumatizing event that they or a loved one experienced, such as a car accident, death of a loved one or emotional and physical abuse. This makes...