Body Sensation Words
[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row gutter_width=”2″ disabled_on=”off|off|off” _builder_version=”3.23.2″ width=”100%” use_custom_gutter=”on”][et_pb_column type=”1_5″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.23.2″ text_font=”|300|||||||” header_font=”||||||||” header_3_font=”|300|||||||” header_3_font_size=”20px”]Angry
- Burning
- Clenched
- Constricted
- Energized
- Explosive
- Fiery
- Heated
- Hot
- Impulsive
- Knotted
- Prickly
- Red-hot
- Clammy
- Clenched
- Constricted
- Damp
- Dizzy
- Faint
- Floating
- Fluttery
- Fuzzy
- Guarded
- Headachy
- Heart-pounding
- Jumpy
- Knotted
- Queasy
- Spacey
- Tingly
- Trembly
- Twitchy
- Vibrating
- Tense
- Shallow breath
- Spinning
- Panicky
- Tight
- Alone
- Contracted
- Cut off
- Dark
- Deadened
- Deflated
- Disappearing
- Disconnected
- Empty
- Flushed
- Frozen
- Hiding
- Imploding
- Invisible
- Numb
- Receding
- Small
- Armored
- Blocked
- Clenched
- Closed
- Cold
- Congested
- Contracted
- Cool
- Dense
- Knotted
- Numb
- Paralyzed
- Prickly
- Pulsing
- Stuck
- Suffocating
- Tense
- Thick
- Throbbing
- Tight
- Wooden
- Alone
- Contracted
- Cut off
- Dark
- Deadened
- Dense
- Disappearing
- Disconnected
- Drained
- Dull
- Empty
- Heavy
- Numb
- Thick
- Acidic
- Bilious
- Clenched
- Cringing
- Gagging
- Grossed out
- Knotted
- Nauseated
- Poisoned
- Quesy
- Sick
- Tense
- Tight
- Activated
- Breathless
- Bubbly
- Bursting
- Buzzy
- Electric
- Energetic
- Energized
- Expanding
- Expansive
- Floating
- Fluid
- Flushed
- Itchy
- Nervy
- Pounding
- Pulsing
- Radiating
- Shimmery
- Streaming
- Tingling
- Twitchy
- Growing
- Inflated
- Luminous
- Puffed up
- Radiating
- Shimmering
- Strong
- Tall
- Tremulous
- Breathless
- Chaotic
- Clammy
- Cold
- Dark
- Frantic
- Frozen
- Jittery
- Jumpy
- Icy
- Shaky
- Shivery
- Spinning
- Sweaty
- Trembling
- Buzzy
- Constricted
- Dropping
- Jittery
- Sinking
- Tense
- Aglow
- Cozy
- Energized
- Expanding
- Expanded
- Expansive
- Floating
- Full
- Moved
- Open
- Smiling
- Smooth
- Sunny
- Tender
- Touched
- Warm
- Achy
- Bruised
- Cut
- Open
- Fragile
- Jagged
- Pierced
- Prickly
- Raw
- Searing
- Sensitive
- Sore
- Wobbly
- Wounded
- Airy
- Alive
- Awake
- Calm
- Connected
- Expended
- Expansive
- Flowing
- Fluid
- Full
- Light
- Open
- Peaceful
- Relaxed
- Releasing
- Shimmering
- Smooth
- Spacious
- Still
- Strong
- Vital
- Warm
- Blue
- Burdened
- Down
- Empty
- Heavy
- Hollow
- Untethered
- Weighted
- Aglow
- Bruised
- Cozy
- Flaccid
- Fragile
- Jagged
- Melting
- Moved
- Soft
- Throbbing
- Touched
- Warm
- Brittle
- Exposed
- Fragile
- Open
- Quivery
- Raw
- Sensitive
Ilene is currently writing a book called Stop Asking Why? What To Do When Talk Therapy Is Not Working. The intention is to help the reader develop a new relationship with their history and understand the importance of bringing the body into the healing process when trying to resolve issues related to trauma. Ilene takes the reader through a series of assessments to help develop a deeper understanding of one’s nervous system functioning. With this deeper understanding, the reader is taken through a series of exercises to build resilience and homeostasis in the nervous system through sensory awareness, movement and self-observation.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_signup mailchimp_list=”ilene smith|a1587e7983″ button_text=”Sign Up For Book Updates” _builder_version=”3.23.2″ form_field_text_color=”#762c28″ header_font=”|300|||||||” header_text_align=”center” header_text_color=”#762c28″ header_font_size=”25px” form_field_font=”Lato|300|||||||” use_background_color=”off” border_radii_fields=”on|0px|0px|0px|0px” border_width_all_fields=”1px” border_color_all_fields=”#ddc2bb” custom_button=”on” button_text_size=”18px” button_text_color=”#000000″ button_border_width=”0px” button_font=”||||||||” button_use_icon=”off” box_shadow_style_button=”preset3″ custom_margin=”-11px|||||” custom_padding=”0px|||||”][/et_pb_signup][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.23.2″][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.23.2″ header_font=”|300|||||||” header_text_color=”#762c28″ header_2_font=”||||||||” custom_margin=”24px|||||”]Emotion Words
[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row gutter_width=”2″ _builder_version=”3.23.2″ width=”100%” use_custom_gutter=”on”][et_pb_column type=”1_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.23.2″ text_font=”|300|||||||” header_font=”||||||||” header_3_font=”|300|||||||” header_3_font_size=”20px”]Angry
- Aggressive
- Covetous
- Critical
- Disappointed
- Disapproving
- Distant
- Enraged
- Frustrated
- Furious
- Hateful
- Hostile
- Infuriated
- Irate
- Irritated
- Jealous
- Mad
- Pissed
- Provoked
- Resentful
- Sarcastic
- Selfish
- Skeptical
- Violated
- Agitated
- Avoiding
- Confused
- Constricted
- Hidden
- Indifferent
- Nervous
- Tight
- Tingly
- Uptight
- Withdrawn
- Alienated
- Devastated
- Disrespected
- Embarrassed
- Empty
- Inadequate
- Inferior
- Insecure
- Insignificant
- Isolated
- Powerless
- Ridiculed
- Victimized
- Vulnerable
- Withdrawn
- Worthless
- Amazing
- Appreciated
- Creative
- Courageous
- Discerning
- Important
- Invincible
- Powerful
- Proud
- Strong
- Successful
- Valuable
- Worthwhile
- Averse
- Disapproving
- Grossed out
- Rejecting
- Repulsed
- Revolted
- Turned off
- Astonished
- Disillusioned
- Jealous
- Judgemental
- Loathing
- Perplexed
- Provocative
- Sarcastic
- Skeptical
- Suspicious
- Activated
- Amazed
- Awed
- Courageous
- Eager
- Ecstatic
- Energized
- Expansive
- Faithful
- High
- Interested
- Liberated
- Surprised
- Wondrous
- Afraid
- Anxious
- Bewildered
- Confused
- Discouraged
- Dismayed
- Frightened
- Helpless
- Hesitant
- Inadequate
- Insignificant
- Overwhelmed
- Rejected
- Scared
- Shocked
- Startled
- Submissive
- Terrified
- Worried
- Apologetic
- Avoiding
- Contrite
- Meek
- Remorseful
- Amused
- Cheerful
- Courageous
- Creative
- Daring
- Energetic
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Hopeful
- Joyous
- Optimistic
- Playful
- Sensual
- Stimulated
- Wonderful
- Awful
- Exposed
- Humiliated
- Ignored
- Insecure
- Pained
- Raw
- Rejected
- Sensitive
- Submissive
- Threatened
- Aware
- Brave
- Calm
- Clear
- Compassionate
- Confident
- Connected
- Courageous
- Creative
- Curious
- Fulfilled
- Hopeful
- Inquisitive
- Inspired
- Loving
- Nurturing
- Open
- Pensive
- Philosophical
- Playful
- Respectful
- Responsive
- Sensitive
- Strong
- Tender
- Thankful
- Thoughtful
- Accepted
- Calm
- Clear
- Compassionate
- Connected
- Content
- Creative
- Creative
- Curious
- Grateful
- Relaxed
- Secure
- Serene
- Abandoned
- Alone
- Apathetic
- Ashamed
- Bored
- Depressed
- Despairing
- Disappointed
- Droopy
- Empty
- Flat
- Ignored
- Indifferent
- Isolated
- Lonely
- Remorseful
- Sleepy
- Tired
- Withdrawn
- Defensive
- Exposed
- Protective
- Raw
- Seared
- Skittish
- Weak
- Withdrawn
Trauma Sensitivity Assessment
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.23.2″ text_font=”|300|||||||” text_font_size=”17px”]This survey will help you understand how much your daily life is currently affected by trauma. Below is a list of statements about various symptoms you may experience. Please mark how often you experience each symptom. There are no right or wrong answers, and every person’s experience will be unique. It is neither better nor worse if you have a high or low score, rather what is important is that you are taking care of yourself and learning more about your mental and emotional health. If at any point in taking this survey you begin to feel uncomfortable, please take a break and come back when you are feeling better.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_button button_url=”” button_text=”Assessment” button_alignment=”center” _builder_version=”3.23.2″ custom_button=”on” button_text_size=”18px” button_text_color=”#762c28″ button_bg_color=”#e8e8e8″ button_font=”Lato||||||||” button_use_icon=”off” box_shadow_style=”preset3″][/et_pb_button][et_pb_social_media_follow _builder_version=”3.23.2″ text_orientation=”right” custom_padding=”58px|||||”][et_pb_social_media_follow_network social_network=”facebook” _builder_version=”3.23.2″ background_color=”#d3937a” border_radii=”on|0px|0px|0px|0px” follow_button=”off” url_new_window=”on”]facebook[/et_pb_social_media_follow_network][et_pb_social_media_follow_network social_network=”instagram” _builder_version=”3.23.2″ background_color=”#876a3c” border_radii=”on|0px|0px|0px|0px” follow_button=”off” url_new_window=”on”]instagram[/et_pb_social_media_follow_network][et_pb_social_media_follow_network social_network=”pinterest” _builder_version=”3.23.2″ background_color=”#762c28″ border_radii=”on|0px|0px|0px|0px” follow_button=”off” url_new_window=”on”]pinterest[/et_pb_social_media_follow_network][et_pb_social_media_follow_network social_network=”youtube” _builder_version=”3.23.2″ background_color=”#000000″ border_radii=”on|0px|0px|0px|0px” follow_button=”off” url_new_window=”on”]youtube[/et_pb_social_media_follow_network][/et_pb_social_media_follow][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]